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Get contact information of import companies and their key decision makers and other employees. Wo Business Subscription

Discover the top cosmetics buyers in the most promising markets from around the world and decide where it’s smart to expand.


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Companies looking to export or expand their existing exports can use this list, which includes professional buyers, to access the contact details of company representatives and directly connect with importers for business opportunities.

The database contains a list of companies that have made imports in the last year. It includes details such as company name, address, city, postal code, employee name, title, email address, phone number, mobile number, primary product interest, and website addresses.

This database was created by collecting business cards during meetings with importing company representatives at cosmetic fairs worldwide. This process ensures you have access to the most up-to-date and reliable information.

Baby Cosmetics, Barber and Salon Products, Beauty Accessories, Car Care Products, Color Cosmetics, Cosmetics - Makeup, Dermocosmetics, Hair Care, Halal Cosmetics, Herbal Products, Home Care & Cleaning, Ingredients & Raw Materials, Nail Care, Natural Cosmetics, Perfumes and Aromas, Personal Care, Professional Beauty, Skin Care, Soap - Shampoo

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